Anti-Dia (Diego)

Do you have anti-Dia antibodies? If you do, I need your help! Access Biologicals, the company I regularly donate plasma for, is searching for someone with anti-Dia antibodies to donate for them. They will fly you to one of their donation centers, provide a hotel if needed and pay you for your donation. It’s a great way to get away for a little alone time, help other women with antibodies and make a bit of extra money. Access Biologicals always treats their donors very well (I know from first hand experience!)  If you would like to donate and you live in the U.S. or Canada just email Robert Pyrtle at or you can comment on this post or email me at Thanks!

Happy Birthday Callum Joseph Thomas!


One year ago today I went in for my fourth IUT, which had been delayed due to hurricane Irma, and I ended up having a baby instead! This past year has been a whirlwind of joy and answered prayers and busyness of daily life with four kids. And underneath it all there has been the peace of knowing that our family is finished growing and our miracle boy is here healthy and safe.

Callum is a sweet, happy boy who loves his family, his pets, all the food he can cram into his mouth, cars and balls and water and books. He is crawling and pulling up but not walking yet. He can say Mama, night-night, hey, cat, eye, uh oh and a few more I’m forgetting right now. He is officially weaned from the breast and drinks Ripple milk instead (pea protein milk) since he is still dairy intolerant. My dream of having a playmate for Nora is coming true day after day as Callum and Nora form a close friendship and enjoy each other more and more as Callum grows.

I have been thinking all day about how to sum up my emotions in one short blog post. I’ve been reliving Callum’s birth all day, which was traumatic and beautiful all at once. I’ve been overwhelmed by waves of gratitude that wash over me throughout the day. Sometimes it almost feels like the breath is knocked out of me when I think about all the miraculous things God has done for me. I remember on Lucy’s first birthday how heavy the grief was, knowing all that we had missed in that one year; knowing how it felt to live an entire year without my child and looking ahead to the many years I still had to experience without her. I thought the weight of it might crush me. Conversely, on Nora’s first birthday and now, on Callum’s first birthday, I have been overwhelmed by the wonder of their lives. Being able to love Callum in the flesh and to watch him grow over the past year has been such a joy and an honor. An unexpected gift. A whole year of memories and experiences that I can treasure for eternity. A whole year of learning who he is, what his voice sounds like, what color his eyes are, knowing his scent and feeling the weight of his warm little body in my arms. Breastfeeding him for 11 months, singing to him in the dark while the rest of the house sleeps, hearing his first word, watching the love grow between siblings, seeing him snuggled up on his Daddy’s shoulder. Just so much goodness. I can’t do it justice with my words. Thank you to everyone who prayed for us and supported us on our journey to Callum. We are so thankful for our boy. Happy birthday Callum! God has great and mighty plans for your life.