MCA Scan Went Up

Yesterday we had another MCA scan to check Nora’s anemia level. On Tuesday it was 1.18 and by Friday it was 1.32. This is a pretty big jump in a short amount of time so it makes me nervous. I never know if it’s just a random high reading or if it’s the beginning of a rising trend that will end in a IUT (intrauterine blood transfusion.) These are all of her MCA scans so far:

Feb 9  – 1.3-1.48
Feb 13 – 1.27
Feb 16 – 1.34
Feb 20 – 1.16
Feb 24 – 1.18
Feb 27 – 1.32

When I look at the big picture I feel a little better since she seems to bounce around a lot between 1.1-1.4. The cutoff is 1.5 and when that happens she will need the transfusion. Babies who need transfusions before 20 weeks have more risks and a lower chance of survival. Today we are one day shy of 18 weeks. Will you pray that Nora hangs on and doesn’t get anemic until she is bigger (or not at all!)

Lately I have been very stressed out and anxious, trying to pack for Houston and imagine how all of this is going to work out, how our family will deal with this upheaval, how Nora is going to survive this. I had to go through the baby girl clothes and pack a diaper bag since I might not be back in Alabama before I deliver. And how do I pack for a preemie or a micro preemie? What do you need for a two pound baby or a four pound baby? Do they even wear clothes? Do they just stay in their bassinet under the warmer or what? I have no idea, this is all new to me. I also was packing the diaper bag thinking about what I might need if Nora is stillborn. It breaks my heart to even consider it but it is a possibility. I packed some snuggly blankets, hats and hair bows for pictures. Seeing the sweet newborn outfits and the tiny diapers is so hard, not knowing if I’ll ever get to put my daughter in them. The weight on my heart is heavy as I prepare for this trip. My mom, Asher and I will leave Alabama on Tuesday, March 3rd, Asher’s fourth birthday and drive all day to Houston. My first appointment in Houston is Wednesday at 8:45 in the morning. Please pray that Nora has a LOW MCA scan on that Wednesday and shows no signs of hydrops. Please pray that Liam is ok without his Mommy for such a long time. The boys are going to miss each other so much.

With all of this uncertainty and stress I am even more aware of the underlying steadiness of God in my life. He is the bedrock, the unmoving foundation that supports me and I am so thankful for His strength. This is HIS story, after all. He is writing it, He is working out the details and He is completely in control. I can trust Him. If there’s anything my baby Nora is teaching me throughout this whole thing it is that I have to trust in God and leave it all up to Him and that is where I find my peace. I have to give her back to God over and over and over again. Every time I walk into that ultrasound room I have to hand over my baby to Him and say, “She is yours, take care of her.” Because I can’t on my own strength. And can I tell you, it is so freeing to finally let go of control and realize I am not the one calling the shots, He is and He is trustworthy. His mercies are new every morning. He will provide all that I need (and all that Nora needs) for that day and that is refreshingly comforting.

Lamentations 3:22-23 The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.

Can I challenge you today to just let go of whatever it is you are trying to control and let Him have it? Lay your fear at His feet and rest in His ability to take care of you. His faithfulness is great, His love is steadfast, His mercies are unending and they are new every morning (that includes today!)

17 Weeks and Still Doing Great!

Just wanted to quickly update how things went at the 17 week scan. Nora is holding steady with an MCA scan of 1.18 (normal!) and no anemia so far. What an incredible miracle, especially since we know she is kell positive! Our sweet Lucy had her first MCA scan at 17 weeks and it was 2.5, which meant she was severely anemic and starting to show signs of fetal hydrops. Nora is showing no signs of anemia and kicking and moving all the time (Lucy stopped moving when she became anemic.) So far all of Nora’s tests have come back normal, all of her organs look perfect, four beautiful heart chambers and a fully formed spine and no hydrops. Thank you, Jesus, for all of these blessings. I take none of it for granted.

We are getting everything set up in Houston so that the IVIG treatments are ready for me when I get there sometime next week. A family friend has kindly offered to let us stay in her home for as long as we need. Since I will be in Houston for at least 8 weeks I will probably stay there for a few weeks and then try to get a room at the Ronald McDonald house near the hospital for the rest of our stay.

I still haven’t gained any weight, which is concerning since I’m 17 weeks, but the doctors (and I) are so focused on the anti-kell antibodies that we haven’t really talked much about other things that are less important. Please pray that I can gain some weight. I am trying my hardest but every bite of food is still forced and I feel nauseated all the time, even when taking Zofran. Also, please continue to pray that Nora does not become anemic and need a blood transfusion. Thank you all for praying and cheering us on. You are so important to our family and so helpful, I can’t thank you enough.

Here I am, so excited to make it to 17 weeks with a LIVING, KICKING baby inside me! (She’s actually kicking the computer on my lap as I type this.)

 IMG_5570And here’s our little fighter doing some gymnastics:



Dr. Moise’s Study Using Plasmapheresis and IVIG to Treat Severe Maternal Red Cell Alloimmunization

I know most of you won’t be very interested in this, but I thought it might be good for me to post a link to Dr. Moise’s study on plasmapheresis and IVIG. Dr. Kenneth Moise is the maternal fetal medicine specialist who will be treating me in Houston, Texas. I have been doing plasmapheresis and IVIG since I was 11 weeks pregnant and it is probably the reason Nora is still alive right now. My doctors were not going to do this treatment with me, even though I have lost a baby and I have a very high antibody titer (level.) This treatment isn’t the normal protocol and is still considered somewhat “experimental” so the doctors usually don’t offer it initially. This is why it’s important to get this information out there. I printed off this study and took it to my doctors and asked them to reconsider allowing me to do the treatment. I also emailed Dr. Moise and gave his email address to my doctors. They contacted him and then agreed to try using his protocol, even though they emphasized that they didn’t know if it would work.

The most amazing thing about the study is when they compare the women’s previous pregnancies (without the treatment) to the most recent pregnancies (with the treatment.) Out of the nine women in the study, seven of them lost their babies in the previous pregnancy. They lost them at 17, 18, 19, 20, 25, 28 and 31 weeks gestation. With their next pregnancies ALL of the women’s babies survived because they were treated with plasmapheresis and IVIG. The babies were born between 27-38 weeks.

If you are pregnant and have antibodies, this study could be very helpful for you. I think it could be especially helpful if:

  • you have one of the most aggressive antibodies such as anti-D or anti-kell
  • you have a very high titer (in the hundreds or thousands)
  • you have lost a baby to antibodies in a previous pregnancy
  • your baby was severely affected by antibodies in a previous pregnancy

If you are in one of these groups I recommend you print off Dr. Moise’s study and take it to your MFM, preferably in the first trimester. Talk to your MFM about possibly trying this treatment. I asked my MFMs about trying this treatment when I was pregnant with Lucy, but they said she would be fine and didn’t need it and it was experimental. It was my first sensitized pregnancy so she should have been fine, but she wasn’t. Instead of pushing for the treatment, I let it go. I always wonder if she would have survived had we tried the treatment. If you feel like this treatment might be helpful for your baby, keep pushing until they agree to try it. If they won’t, look around for a second opinion with a different MFM, even if you have to drive a ways to get there. I am not a doctor or an expert on this kind of thing, but I am a mother who has lost her child and I hope you can learn from my story. I would love for Lucy and Nora’s story to help another baby. Here is the link to the study:


*UPDATE- Our kell positive baby Nora was born healthy and happy at 37 weeks and 6 days on July 19th, 2015. I know she survived because of the plasmapheresis and IVIG. I have also met several other women in our Antibody Facebook group who have lost babies to antibodies and then have been able to go on and have healthy rainbow babies after being treated with plasmapheresis and IVIG.

Good News and Bad News

I’m emotionally and physically exhausted so I’ll make this as quick as possible. Today we got some really bad news and some really amazing news. The bad news is that our amniocentesis results came back and Nora is kell positive like her Daddy and her big brother Asher and big sister Lucy (Asher was safe because I didn’t have the antibodies yet.) This is the news we have been dreading. Now we know that Nora will be attacked by my antibodies at some point, since they are specifically programmed to destroy kell positive blood cells. We don’t know when she will start to become anemic, but we know it will happen at some point. She will need intrauterine blood transfusions to survive and she will have to be born early (35 weeks at the latest.) My hope is to get her to 26 weeks at least. It just depends when it is safer for her to be out rather than in. When she is out she doesn’t have to fight my antibodies anymore, but she has to be developed enough to survive on her own.

The good news is that her MCA scan today was the BEST it has ever been! It was 1.16, down from 1.34 (I think that’s what it was) on Monday. This means that Nora is doing great so far and isn’t being affected by my antibodies. She has been active and looked healthy on the ultrasound today. We also got confirmation from the amnio FOR SURE that she is a girl and there are no genetic abnormalities. Our baby is healthy for now, which is such a miracle, especially knowing that she is kell positive. We (and the doctors) think that it is the IVIG treatments that are keeping her safe from my antibodies so far. I am so glad that I pushed for those treatments and that the doctors agreed to go outside of their comfort zone and try something they had never done before.

Our doctors here in Alabama will not try an intrauterine blood transfusion before 20 weeks, they just don’t have the experience they need. They also told me today that they don’t really feel confident doing a transfusion until about 24 weeks. We know that Nora will eventually need a blood transfusion, but we don’t know when. It could be next week or it could be at 30 weeks, although it is more likely to be early since we lost Lucy at 19 weeks and each pregnancy is supposed to be more dangerous than the previous one. We feel like I need to get to Houston, Texas as soon as possible to be treated by Dr. Ken Moise. He kind of pioneered the plasmapheresis and IVIG treatment for this type of high risk pregnancy and he has a lot of experience doing very early blood transfusions, some even before 16 weeks. He’s the expert and I know he will take good care of Nora and me. We also found out that he is in our insurance network so everything will probably be covered. I emailed him today and he said he can treat me but I shouldn’t come all the way there until we know that everything is set up for my IVIG treatments. If I miss even one treatment it could be deadly for Nora since that is most likely what is keeping her safe right now. So, in about a week or two my mom, Asher and I will be driving to Texas and will be there for at least 7 weeks, assuming Nora makes it that far. This is going to be very hard for my family. I seriously miss Josh so much after even one day of him being at work late. I miss Liam while he’s at school and I can’t wait for him to get home. I can’t imagine not seeing them for weeks. We have no idea how we are going to handle this financially. It will be hard for Josh to work and take care of Liam and be away from me and Asher during such a stressful time. My mom can’t miss that much work so she will need to come back at some point…it’s all very overwhelming to try to work out. We are exhausted at this point. It has been one tragedy after the next over the past two years so we kind of felt like we were starting this high risk pregnancy journey already depleted. We had so much hope that baby Nora would have my blood type and we could relax and recuperate for the rest of the pregnancy.

Ok, enough of my wallowing. There are so many things we are thankful for today, that Nora is healthy and not anemic and that she doesn’t have any genetic disorders. We are thankful for Dr. Moise who is willing to take us on as his patients and who always stops what he is doing to email me back. I am thankful that God’s power is made perfect in weakness (because we are so weak right now) and that we can rely on HIS strength and peace to carry us the rest of the way through. Thank you all for praying for us. I feel like He did another miracle today by keeping her safe even while being kell positive. He is doing amazing things and I praise Him for his goodness to us. Please continue to pray for our Nora girl, that she would be safe and healthy and would LIVE. Please pray that God would take care of the rest of our family during this stressful time. Thank you for all of your continued support and encouragement!

Pray for a Miracle

Towards the end of our “adoption” when everything was still going well and Kailee and I were communicating regularly I felt like God spoke to me. I think it was towards the end of September or beginning of October, around the time Kailee asked to meet my extended family and told me she wanted me to be the godmother of the two children that she parents. I felt SURE that Scarlet would be ours in a few short weeks and I was so happy and excited. One day out of the blue I felt like God whispered, “Pray that I will do a miracle in your body.” It was not expected, it didn’t make sense and I tried to pretend that I didn’t hear it. He persisted, “Pray for me to do a miracle in your body.” I didn’t understand what that could mean. I thought maybe it meant one day, years down the road, God would bless me with a biological child or maybe I needed some kind of healing in my body that I didn’t know about. What I wanted to pray was that God would give us Scarlet and that the adoption would go smoothly. That’s all I could think about. I didn’t really want to think about any miracles happening IN MY BODY. It just didn’t make sense, but I heard it so clearly that I couldn’t deny it. I started praying constantly that God would come and do a miracle in my body (whatever that meant.) Of course, I was still praying at the same time that God would take care of Kailee, Peter and Scarlet and that we would have our baby girl in our arms in a few short weeks. Here is my journal entry from the first day in October: FullSizeRender-5 I never would have guessed that Kailee and Peter were about to betray us and Scarlet would not be our daughter. We were left reeling, grieving, frustrated beyond belief. I forgot about the prayer that God had told me to pray. I felt hopeless, like my dreams for a third child, for a daughter, were lost (again.) I had planned to write a beautiful post on my blog titled “Things I Thought Were Lost” and it was going to be about all the things I had thought were lost but were now a reality with Scarlet: a third child, my very own daughter on earth, breastfeeding another baby, seeing my two boys with their baby sister, watching Josh be a Daddy to his daughter. It was going to be a beautifully redemptive blog post, but instead I thought, “All of those things ARE lost.”

And then one day in November THIS happened completely unexpectedly:

IMG_5112 And as I sat there crying in disbelief, staring through blurry tears at those two pink lines I heard that soft whisper again, “Pray that I will do a miracle in your body.” Goosebumps all over. Could this sweet new life be that miracle? I think it is a miracle that we even conceived after trying for so long with no success. It’s a miracle that I got pregnant when I was breastfeeding and not even ovulating (that I knew about.) It’s a miracle that we were blessed with another baby girl. It almost seems too good to be true. Every single time I’ve gone to an appointment and Nora is healthy I feel like He has done another miracle.

Doubt and fear are natural, I struggle with them every single day. I was scared to even write this post because I might look stupid if God does decide to let Nora die. But I am choosing to trust in His power and His goodness enough to let Him work in me however He wants. I have no idea if my baby Nora is going to live. What I DO know is that God still wants me to pray for Him to do a miracle in my body and in Nora’s body. I do believe He is going to do a miracle, whatever that may look like, and it is going to be better than anything I could have ever thought up. Will you join me in praying that God will do a miracle and that His power will be shown through me? I wait expectantly to see what He is going to do.

16 Week MCA Scan and Amniocentesis

Today I had my 16 week MCA scan. Even though we just had a scan on Friday and everything was ok, I was really scared that her numbers had gone up and she was anemic. Her numbers did go up, but not by a lot. On Friday her level was 1.27 and today it was 1.34. This is still considered to be in the normal range (although on the high end of normal.) If it gets to 1.5 Nora will need a blood transfusion, but for now she’s staying steady around the 1.2-1.4 range. The doctor stressed again how important an amniocentesis was, so we finally gave our consent and they did the amnio right there in the ultrasound room. It went smoothly with no complications so now all we have to do is wait. The results should be back sometime next week and they will tell us if Nora has her Daddy’s blood type (kell positive) or her Mommy’s blood type (kell negative.) Please pray that she is kell negative. If she is we can stop all treatments and monitoring and have a normal pregnancy. If she is kell positive she will have to fight for her life and will definitely need intrauterine blood transfusions and be born prematurely.

My next MCA scan is on Friday. There is a small possibility that the amniocentesis could make my antibodies more aggressive so pray that she is kept safe and has a low MCA scan on Friday. These next 4 or 5 weeks are the most dangerous in the whole pregnancy since Nora could become very anemic and the doctors don’t have much they can do to help a baby this early. The further along I am in the pregnancy, the easier it is to treat the baby. Our goal is to make it to viability which should be around the end of April. Nora has a long way to go, but we are doing all that we can and we have to just trust God hour by hour to take care of her.

Today we are thankful that she isn’t anemic and sick and is active with a good heart beat. She is actually kicking me as I type this (which makes me so happy!) Here are a few ultrasound pictures from the 16 week appointment:


Nora with her hand on her chin


Tiny foot


Gender Reveal and Baby Name

Yesterday we had a combination birthday party for Liam (turning 6) Asher (turning 4) and my niece, Camille (turning 7.) At the birthday party we revealed the gender of our miracle baby. Josh’s family was visiting from South Carolina, so they got to be there too. It was so fun. Since the birthday party was lego themed I made cake pops in the form of lego heads with the gender color hidden on the inside.


Everybody bit into the cake pops at the same time and…….


We’re having a baby GIRL!


My little brother John is pretty excited about another niece.


Liam said he knew it was a girl all along 🙂 Asher is still holding out for a boy who he says will be named “Naeus.”


It was such a fun weekend, being able to celebrate our boys and our niece and our baby girl. I think everyone felt lighter with the knowledge that baby girl is doing ok for now and is not in distress. We usually don’t announce the baby’s name until birth but we are announcing our daughter’s name now because we would love for people to pray for her by name. We don’t have a middle name yet (we’re trying to decide between three that we love) but her first name is NORA ❤ It means “light” just like her big sister Lucy. Here we are right after the gender reveal. Nora is in there, I promise, she was just hiding I guess.


We are so thrilled to be having another daughter and we are constantly asking God to let us raise this one on earth. Please continue to pray for our little Nora, who has to overcome such great odds just to get here safely. My next MCA scan is on Monday and I will probably be doing the amniocentesis then too. Please pray that Nora is not anemic tomorrow and that the amnio goes smoothly. Thank you for celebrating our Nora with us!

It Went DOWN!

Thank you, Jesus, the baby’s anemia level went DOWN! We are shocked and are basking in the warmth of new hope for this baby. When I woke up this morning I felt unnaturally peaceful and confident. I truly felt surrounded by God’s love and protection. I kept having this image in my head of angels all around me, holding me up and supporting me and behind me were all of you, like an army of prayer warriors marching into that ultrasound room with me. It was amazing. Right before the ultrasound I felt like I should pray for the doctor but I got nervous and was afraid it would make him feel weird, so I just prayed in my mind. The baby was not in a good position for the scan. He tried so hard but couldn’t get a good angle on the baby’s artery to check for anemia. The baby just wasn’t cooperating and the doctor couldn’t get a good reading, so he told me to walk around the hospital, eat something and drink some coffee and come back 30 minutes later. I still felt calm during those 30 minutes and was able to actually enjoy my alone time in Starbucks with Josh. I had this strange feeling of anticipation, almost like excitement about the ultrasound, which is bizarre because I’ve been dreading it for days. A sweet friend of mine, Fiona, who also happens to be a doula, suggested some yoga moves that might help turn the baby so I found a private spot and tried those.

When we went back in for the ultrasound I asked the doctor right away, “I feel like I need to pray. Is that ok?” and he said it was fine, so I prayed out loud for God to make the scan easy for the doctor and help him get a good reading. The baby had moved and was in a great position for the scan. The MCA reading was a 1.27 which is lower than it was on Monday (ranged from 1.3-1.48) and is considered in the normal range! We are so excited! This means the baby is not struggling at all right now and could even be kell negative still. The levels could still go up and the baby could have a huge battle ahead, but for now (s)he is safe. We are so thankful we are not frantically packing for Texas right now and we get to be here for the boys’ birthday party and baby’s gender reveal tomorrow. How fun! I can actually enjoy the weekend with hope in my heart and a healthy baby in my womb. What an incredible gift. I give God all the glory for this miracle today and for the peace that surrounded me the whole time.

Psalm 28:6,7 Blessed be the Lord! For He has heard the voice of my pleas for mercy. The Lord is my strength and my shield; in Him my heart trusts, and I am helped; my heart exults, and with my song I give thanks to Him.

Our doctor also told us that he met with his colleagues and they decided together that if the baby’s anemia level starts going up at all, they will allow the double rounds of IVIG. That is so exciting to know our baby will be getting all the help possible if (s)he starts to get sick. We decided to hold off on the amnio until Monday after they do another MCA scan to check for anemia. The doctor also told me something that I had suspected this whole time but have never actually been told- that I have the worst, most aggressive case of kell he has ever seen in his 30 years of practicing medicine. It was a grave reminder that we need to continually cry out to God to save this baby’s life, to do a miracle for us.

Thank you all for praying for us and encouraging us so much. We truly could not do this without you! Be sure to check the blog tomorrow night for the gender reveal.


As tomorrow’s MCA scan draws closer we struggle to stay hopeful. We are overwhelmed, honestly, wrestling with the possibilities of what the future holds. I am trying my best not to assume this baby’s story will be like Lucy’s, but there are so many similarities it is almost eerie. The waiting and doing nothing and then going in for the MCA scan. The worry, the half hearted gender reveal that should be joyful but just ends up being sad and nerve wracking. Watching all the other women who are due at the same time progress so smoothly with their pregnancies. They get to worry about things like what color should the nursery walls be and which carseat should we get? We picked out the perfect name for our baby and I wonder if I will get to call this name out on the playground or just see it on the baby’s grave marker. Today I went to Hobby Lobby to get some things for the boys’ joint birthday party (which happens to be this weekend) and some things for the gender reveal. As I stood in the aisle looking for the right color chocolate, I wondered if I should also just go ahead and buy some clay molds for the baby’s hand and foot prints in case (s)he is stillborn. I thought about getting an ink pad for more hand and foot prints just in case. But instead I started crying and left as quickly as I could. Today Liam made me a cute card for Valentine’s Day and this is what it said:


Oh, Jesus, help us. I cannot watch their little hearts break again.

Tomorrow we have another MCA scan and if the baby’s anemia level is even slightly higher, it is a really bad sign. If that happens, my mom, Asher and I will be traveling to Houston so that the baby can have an early blood transfusion. The doctor in Houston is the leading expert on these dangerous pregnancies and has performed blood transfusions this early before. Unfortunately, he has a requirement that we MUST have amniocentesis confirmation that the baby is kell positive (Josh’s blood type) before he will transfuse the baby. We had decided we didn’t want to do the amniocentesis since it comes with extra risks (miscarriage, possibly making my antibodies stronger) but now we feel like we have no choice. We went ahead and schedule the amnio for tomorrow morning as well. If you don’t know what an amniocentesis is, it is a test they do where they insert a long needle into my belly and withdraw a little bit of amniotic fluid from around the baby. They send that fluid off for testing and can tell what the baby’s blood type is. If the baby has my blood type there is no danger and the pregnancy will be normal (although it’s unlikely since the baby is already showing some anemia.)

Please pray with us for a miracle. Pray that the amniocentesis goes well tomorrow with no complications. Also, please pray that the baby’s anemia level goes down and is below 1.5. We KNOW that God can do a miracle and save this baby. We are trusting Him with our baby’s life.

Two different people sent me these verses today and I am clinging to them:

Psalm 91 He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.”

For He will deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence. He will cover you with his pinions, and under His wings you will find refuge; His faithfulness is a shield and buckler. You will not fear the terror of the night, nor the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that stalks in darkness, nor the destruction that wastes at noonday.

A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you. You will only look with your eyes and see the recompense of the wicked. Because you have made the Lord your dwelling place- the Most High, who is my refuge- no evil shall be allowed to befall you, no plague come near your tent.

For He will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways. On their hands they will bear you up, lest you strike your foot against a stone. You will tread on the lion and the adder; the young lion and the serpent you will trample underfoot.

Because he holds fast to me in love, I will deliver him; I will protect him, because he knows my name. When he calls to me, I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will rescue him and honor him. With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation.

First MCA Scan

Today we had our first MCA scan to find out whether the baby is anemic (being attacked by my antibodies) or not. The news isn’t good, but it’s not terrible. The scan gives the baby a score to show how high the anemia is. A score of 1, or anything close to a 1 is normal. When it gets to 1.5 the baby is anemic and needs a blood transfusion in the womb. Today the baby’s scores ranged from 1.3 to 1.48 which makes us incredibly nervous. This shows us that the baby is probably anemic, but not so anemic that (s)he needs a blood transfusion yet. This also shows us that the baby is probably kell positive, which means (s)he has Daddy’s blood type and is being attacked by my antibodies. This baby is going to have to fight to live and will probably need a lot of intrauterine blood transfusions and will probably be delivered prematurely. Our goal is to get the baby to viability so that delivery is an option if (s)he gets too anemic. The danger is in the environment, not the baby (the baby is perfectly healthy as far as we know) so we want to get the baby to a point where it’s safe to remove him/her from the dangerous environment (my body.)

So, what is our plan of action now that we know baby could be anemic? I wanted the doctor to double my weekly dose of IVIG, but he was reluctant since it isn’t the normal protocol. I tried my hardest to convince him, but he wouldn’t budge. The only down side of an extra dose of IVIG is the cost, but we don’t mind that if it gives our baby a better chance at life. A double dose can’t hurt the baby, it can only help, so I’m frustrated that they won’t just try. The doctor wants to wait and rescan the baby this Friday to see if the anemia gets worse. If it is any higher than it was today, I will be traveling to Houston to have a different doctor treat me and try to save the baby. If the anemia level is the same or lower, we will just continue weekly IVIG and watch the baby closely. There is still a very small chance that the baby isn’t anemic and it was just a high reading on the scan because it’s still so early.

Please, please pray for our baby. The scan on Friday is so important and will tell us a lot more about how the baby is doing. Pray that the baby’s anemia level goes down and not up. We appreciate all of your prayers for this ultrasound today. Even though it didn’t go as well as we were hoping, we are thankful that the baby looks ok for now and doesn’t need a transfusion yet. Lucy’s anemia level on her first MCA scan at 17 weeks was 2.5 and it was pretty much too late to help her. We are glad that we are catching this baby’s anemia early so we can do more to fight it. Also, I know this is all kind of confusing so if you have any questions about it, feel free to ask in the comments. Thank you, again, for all of your prayers and support.